전국적 "사회적 거리두기 2단계" 조치에 따라 감염병 확산 방지를 위하여 임시 휴관합니다. 기간 2020. 8. 25. (화) ~ 종료일 별도 통보 3월~10월 09:30 ~ 18:00 11월~2월 09:30 ~ 17:00 --> ※ 월요일 휴관 (공휴�
충청남도 천안시 동남구 목천읍 삼방로 95에 위치한 대한민국의 박물관이다. 이를 운영하는 국가보훈처 산하 공공기관 역시 ‘독립기념관’이다. 겨레의 탑과 불굴의 한국인 상이 박물관의 상징이며, 이 박물관이 바로 천안시의 랜드마크인 건물이다. 말 그대로 일제강점기의 수난과 나라를 되찾기 위해 싸운 독립운동을 테마로 하고 있다.
1982년 일본 고교 역사교과서 검정 당시 문부성이 한국에 관련된 내용을 일본측에 유리한 형태로 수정하면서 역사왜곡 이슈가 터졌다. 당시 일본에서는 문부성의 일방적인 수정에 항의하는 교과서 집필진의 항의가 있었고, 일본 내 여론도 문주성 비판으로 흘러가면서 한국내 언론에도 보도되었다. 이 사건이 터지자 한국 내 여론은 독립운동과 같은 역사를 보존하고 후대에 알려야 된다는 여론이 비등해졌고, 500여억원의 국민성금을 기초로 1987년 개관하였다.
- It is a Korean museum located in 95 Sambang-ro, Mokcheon-eup, Dongnam-gu, Cheonan-si, Chungcheongnam-do. A public institution under the Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs is also an Independence Hall. The tower of the people and the indomitable Korean statues are symbols of the museum, and this museum is the landmark of Cheonan City. Literally, it is based on the theme of Japanese colonial era's ordeal and the independence movement that fought to restore the country.
When the Japanese high school history textbook was approved in 1982, the Education Ministry revised the contents related to Korea to a form favorable to the Japanese side, sparking the issue of distorting history. At that time, there was a protest by textbook writers in Japan against the unilateral revision of the ministry, and public opinion in Japan was also reported in the Korean media as it flowed into criticism of the ministry. When this incident broke out, public opinion in Korea was urged to preserve the same history as the independence movement and make it known to future generations, and it was opened in 1987 based on 50 billion won in national donations.
Time |
Summer season (March to October) |
Winter season (November-February) |
entrance time |
09:30~17:00 |
09:30~16:00 |
viewing hours |
09:30~18:00 |
09:30~17:00 |
***Currently, it is not on display because of Corona-19.***
독립기념관은 2006년부터 대대적인 활성화 사업을 벌여서 모든 전시관을 최첨단의 생동감 넘치는 전시물들로 구성하였습니다. 제1전시관 겨레의 뿌리, 제2전시관 겨레의 시련, 제3전시관 나라지키기, 제4전시관 평화누리, 제5전시관 나라되찾기, 제6전시관 새나라세우기, 제7전시관 함께하는 독립운동, 입체영상관으로 총 8개의 전시관으로 구성되어 있다.
Introduction to Major Facilities
1) Exhibition hall
The Independence Hall of Korea has launched a massive revitalization project since 2006, and all of the exhibition halls are composed of state-of-the-art and lively exhibits. The exhibition hall consists of eight exhibition halls: the roots of the first exhibition hall, the trials of the second exhibition hall, the third exhibition hall, the Peace Nuri of the fourth exhibition hall, the fifth exhibition hall, the search for the country, the 6th exhibition hall, the independence movement with the 7th exhibition hall, and the three-dimensional movie theater.
First Exhibition Hall(time: 30min)
After the Paleolith culture in the Korean peninsula 500,000 years ago, Korea developed its independent culture through its various histories through the Neolithic and the Bronze Age. Despite various foreign invasions, it wisely overcame the national crisis and experienced beautiful cultural blossoms.
This exhibition hall displays artifacts and data related to the efforts to overcome national crisis, impregnable spirit, traditional culture and roots of the nation from the prehistoric age to the late Joseon Dynasty in 1860.
Second Exhibition Hall(time: 20min)
The 2nd exhibition Hall, ‘National Crisis by Japanese Imperialism,’ covers the period from the 1860’s to the 1940’s which is from the Korea’s first step towards modernization to the Japanese colonization period. After the flow of changes in the modernization period and the revolutionary period to become a sovereign nation, Korea’s long history was interrupted by the Japanese invasion.
You can view the struggles of the loss of national sovereignty. You can also see the distortion of the history of neighboring nations that still exist today.
Third Exhibition Hall(time: 15min)
The 3rd exhibition hall, ‘Struggles for National Rights,’ covers the National Sovereignty Restoration Movement which is represented by the Uibyeong (righteous army) Movement and the Enlightenment Movement. You can view the beginning, middle and last period of the Uibyeong Movement which occurred around the nation by the Korean nobleman scholars.
You can also view the movements of patriots and martyrs like the Great Martyr Ahn Jungguen who sacrificed themselves and punished the traitors and invaders.
Fourth Exhibition Hall(time: 15min)
The 4th exhibition hall, ‘Meaning and value of the Korean independence movement’
Korea’s independence movement was a path to independence and freedom for the Korean people and peace for all humanity. To this end, they had to fight against Japanese Imperialism for some 50 years before finally achieving liberation on August 15, 1945. The spirit of the independence movement, which spread across the nation during this time of lost sovereignty, is not only a guide to the present but will also serve as a torch for the future.
Fifth Exhibition Hall(time: 30min)
The 5th exhibition hall, ‘Patriotic Struggle for National Independence,’ covers the anti-Japanese armed resistance which occurred in areas inside and outside the nation to obtain national independence.
You can view the armed independence activities in the Manjuria region, just resistance which executed major figures of the Japanese institutions, and the activities of Joseon Uiyongdae and the Korean National Independence Army.
6th Exhibition Hall(time: 30min)
The 6th exhibition hall, ‘Establishing the Great Korea,’ covers the national culture protection movement, people’s independence movement and the activities of the Korean Provisional Government.
You can view the establishment features and activities of the Korean Provisional Government which was the pivotal institution for national movements regarding the protection of the Korean language and national education where various people such as students, women, laborers and farmers participated in order to stand up against Japan’s policy to eradicate the Korean culture.
Seventh Exhibition Hall(time: 30min)
The 7th exhibition hall, ‘the experience hall of the independence movement,’ covers various anti-Japanese independence movements which occurred in and outside Korea.
Visitors can become independence activists, cry out for independence, act as a member of the Korean Provisional Government, and participate in various movements like the anti-Japanese armed resistance. It is unique since you can see that Korea obtained independence with the effort of people in diverse classes, and that Koreans experienced national development based on it.
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